- 13/10/2017 by admin
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Rasam with coconut (Devasthana Saru/Rasam)
It was many years ago, we had a function at home in India. The food was a simple Konkani javan(meal). This was the time I had just started my blogging and very much into learning new recipes. The cook was making his signature Devasthana saru/rasam, which was usually served during functions at temple. It had a heady delicious aroma and was spicy, tasty. I requested him for the recipe and he was very generous to share it with me. I have prepared this so many times and every time it brings back memories of home.
Recently, we had some friends home. My friend M, who is also a Konkani, asked me if I knew this Devasthana saru/rasam. I said it is on my blog and next day I had to prepare it myself. The only reason I don’t make this often is, my family forgets how much rice they have consumed with this rasam. I have to make sure to cook some extra. My 7 year old loved it and asked to give it in his lunchbox next day (which he almost never does!). So beware! don’t make it when you are on a diet :).
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